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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The {F} Family +1

"We have a secret in our culture, and it's not that child birth is painful. It's that our women are strong."
- Unknown

When Jessica asked me if I would be interested in doing her maternity/family photos, I immediately said yes. I mean, just look at them! Aren't they just the cutest little family?! Isn't little Walter a doll? It definitely doesn't hurt that Jessica makes pregnancy look STUNNING.

Jessica & Jack also wanted their second baby's birth photographed.  Birth photography is something that's always been on my photographer's "bucket list", I guess you could say. Honestly, I was a bit scared... Okay, REALLY scared! You see, I'd never seen a baby be born before - not even my own son! (Jax was born via C-Section and I was pretty much out of it that day -all perfectly fine by me.) So as Jessica's due date got closer, I got more and more nervous.

Saturday, January 5th, 2013 was the big day. And it couldn't have gone better. 

Jessica was a ROCK STAR.

Jessica labored and delivered at a local birthing center. Her Certified Nurse Midwife, Rebecca, had everything under control the entire time(all while keeping everyone informed and calm). Jessica's doula, Bonnie, was also there, and never left her side.

Jessica had wanted a water birth, and that's exactly what she got. Jack even climbed into the tub with her. She had no IV's, no monitors, no pain medication. She labored for three hours, breathing and meditating through the contractions and pain. She was simply incredible.

Jessica's husband, Jack, was a rock. Any expectant mother would be lucky to have a husband like him during childbirth.

In addition, Jessica's mother, father and step-mother were all there to offer support and to be there to welcome this new little life into the world.

And then... there she was.

Penny Eloise Finch
7 lbs, 9 oz. & 19 inches
6:14 PM
Saturday, January 5th, 2013

Congratulations to Jack, Jessica & big brother Walter. Thank you for sharing your miracle with me. I'm honored.

<3 x ∞
All Personal Images Owned & Copyrighted by Ringholz Art & Photography 2012. Powered by Blogger.