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Sunday, January 29, 2012

My | Valentine | Monkey

So much has happened in the past month. Not exactly the good kind, either. But there has been some pretty bright spots, too & some surprises I wasn't expecting. I keep holding on to the things that keep me going - my Jax and our future. 

I took these photos so we could send them out for his Valentines this year. But I ended up loving them so much I'm printing them onto canvas and hanging them up in our new apartment. (I'll have to take photos of them hanging up when I get them back!)

Jackson LOVED this hat because he's had his own sock monkey since he was six months old. I loved it because it has a MOHAWK.

The Valentine he'll give to his classmates. Turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

And, of course, a photo of Jax's Valentine, from me (in progress)...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

300 Facebook Fans!

My Facebook fan page reached 300 fans today! SO excited :)

My computer is getting upgraded next week(!), so I'm holding off on loading or editing any new photos until then. I'm going through withdrawals! I guess I have some time to catch up on blogging!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Why I Have A Camera

How could I NOT take photos of him?

Week 2 | Life

It's been a hectic week around here, so I'm a teensy bit behind posting my weekly photo. (At least I TOOK the photo on time!) This last week's theme was "life"...

For details about the project and for amazing Photoshop actions (and beautiful photography, too), check out My Four Hens

I'm a single mom to an amazing (and sometimes too-smart) 7 year-old. When I was thinking about what I wanted to photograph for this week, everything somehow involved Jax. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A New Year | A New Project

Whew! So many great people, and great photos, to blog about! Definitely need to catch up!

But, right now, I'm just going to post ONE. 

For awhile now, I have been debating on joining a weekly photo project. I knew I needed something to keep me inspired with my photography, to keep me connected to this great, big, and FABULOUS online world of photographers, and to keep me coming back. Most importantly, I needed something, a project, that was MINE.

I've been a fan of My Four Hens Photography for awhile, but when I saw that she was holding her own 52 project, and especially the details, I loved it!

Every week has a one word theme that Sarah (of M4H's) gives. Everyone else comes up with their own interpretation and image. 

For more details, head on over to  My Four Hens Photography

So here goes!


I have had Type 1 Diabetes for more than 20 years, was diagnosed with Addison's Disease when I was 18, have severe gastroparesis (I have a j-tube inserted in my abdomen because of this) and this past year was diagnosed with severe Osteoporosis. I am 30 years old. I decided that this year I would take better care of myself. I won't let a checklist of diseases determine where my life leads. My biggest motivator is my 7 year-old son, Jackson. It was a miracle I had him. He is the reason I am here. He deserves a mommy that takes the BEST care of herself.
All Personal Images Owned & Copyrighted by Ringholz Art & Photography 2012. Powered by Blogger.