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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spring Sale!

For the first time, I'm holding a Spring Sale!

The response has been incredible! My calendar is filling up fast! Contact me to book a session! (Gift certificates are also available.)

Email me at 
- or -
text/call me at 801•831•4385

P.S. As of May 1, 2012, my prices will be changing.

Friday, February 17, 2012

By The Way...

Just in case I wasn't already way too busy, I finally created my personal blog. Stop by and say hello!

Project 52 | Week 6

This last week's theme was "Emotion". I couldn't pick just one, so there's two this week.

My seven year-old son has the most infectious smile. You can't help but feel it. The best part? It doesn't take much to make my munchkin happy. He forgives easily and loves with all he has. He's my hero.

This photo stirs up a variety of emotions for me. These are the cufflinks my now-ex-husband wore on our wedding day. No one knows I have them (until now). They are the only things I have kept from what was an abusive marriage. The only reason I have kept them is for my son. He is the best thing to happen from that time and he continues to be my reason for living. I keep these to remind me that one day my boy will be a husband (and father), and it's my job to teach him how to be a GREAT one.

A New Adventure!

Around the first of this year, I posted this on my Facebook fan page:

If anyone has a child with Diabetes, or would like to refer anyone, please get in touch with me. And pass the word along, too!

Life changed when I was 8 years old. I developed Type 1 Diabetes & I was TERRIFIED. But there were doctors, nur
ses & amazing volunteers that made the education & transition as smooth as possible for that scared kid. I'm learning that today, our children aren't as lucky as I was. Maybe the funding isn't there anymore, the volunteers just aren't volunteering, or the insurance companies don't deem the education a necessity. I don't know. But because I feel blessed to have had people there for me when I needed them, I'd like to pay it forward, somehow. I'm going to start donating my photography services and artwork to children affected by Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes and their families, whether newly diagnosed or not. 

I'm SO excited about this new project! The response has been AMAZING. I have quite a few shoots already scheduled and even more in the works. 

If anyone has a child with Type 1, or knows of a family affected by it, PLEASE contact me. My calendar is filling up fast!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project 52 | Week 4 & 5

My computer has been rebuilt! Soooo happy! I'm (obviously) behind on the weekly photo project, so I'll post last week's and this week's photo at once...

Week 4 | Imperfection

He hates eating his veggies, is the messiest eater, and has only one volume (LOUD), but he's all mine and I wouldn't trade him for anything. It's just the two of us and we keep each other going. He's my boy and he's all boy... He's my Jackson.

Week 5 | Simplicity
No laptop, no smartphones, no iPads... I promised myself I would keep a journal this year. ALL year. And I went old school and bought a 99¢ black and white, composition notebook. So far writing things down has really 
helped, more than I ever thought it could

All Personal Images Owned & Copyrighted by Ringholz Art & Photography 2012. Powered by Blogger.